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Spider veins clinic

Spider Vein

Spider veins are generally considered a cosmetic issue rather than a serious medical condition. However, if you are experiencing discomfort or have concerns about their appearance, consulting with a healthcare professional can provide guidance on potential treatments or interventions.


Spider veins are small, dilated blood vessels that appear close to the skin's surface, resembling a web-like or branching pattern. These veins are typically red, blue, or purple in colour and are most commonly found on the legs and face. 


* Visible Veins on the skin, often in red, blue, or purple hues.
* Burning or Itching.
* Discomfort especially after prolonged periods of standing.
* Cosmetic Concerns. 


Spider veins, or telangiectasias, can develop due to various factors, and their precise cause may vary from person to person. Common causes include:


* Hereditary factors
* Age-related wear and tear on vein walls
* Hormonal changes (such as those occurring during pregnancy or menopause)
* Obesity
* Prolonged periods of standing or sitting. 
* Injuries or Trauma

How to Prevent

While it may not be possible to prevent varicose veins entirely, certain lifestyle changes and measures can help reduce the risk of their development and minimize their appearance. 


* Regular Exercise
* Maintain a Healthy Weight
* Avoid Prolonged Sitting or Standing
* Elevate Your Legs when resting
* Compression Stockings 
* Healthy Diet
* Avoid High Heels

close-up of a spider vein

Possible Treatments

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